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Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Family Doctor's Tale - URETHRITIS


Every now and then you will get a male patient who had painful pus discharge from his penis usually on the 2nd or 3rd day of having a sexual relationship with a prostitute or some social escort either in the local red light district or in another country. He will be advised to have a blood tests to exclude other sexually transmitted diseases. He will be give some antibiotic which can clear gonorrhea, chlamydia and other bacteria infection. The problem is the viral diseases such as HIV and herpes which may not be curable.

Urethritis is an acute infection of the urethra(tube which allows passage of urine from the bladder to the outside).

Urethritis is usually caused by the following:

1.sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea and chlamydia.
2.Urinary infection such as cystitis
3.In males associated with prostatitis
4.Urinary stone stuck in the urethra may cause urethritis
6.urinary catheterization
7.Injury to the urethra
8.Important component of Reiter's Syndrome

Persons who has Acute Urethritis has the following symptoms:

1.painful urination
2.purulent discharge from penis in males or vagina in females
3.frequency of urination
4.cloudy and unpleasant smelling urine, sometimes blood in the urine
5.fever and chills
6.Polyarthritis and conjunctivitis in Reiter's Syndrome

1. pus discharge can be seen in male's urethra or in female vagina
2.redness and inflammation of the opening of the urethra

Diagnosis can usually be made by :
1.History of sexual activity followed by frequency of urination, painful urination or pussy discharge from urethra or vagina

2.Urine test shows the presence of pus cells, leukocyte, red blood cells and micro-organisms

3.Urine culture for bacteria and sexually transmitted organisms and the antibiotic most appropriate for it.

4. cystoscopy may be necessary to exclude urinary stones, tumors of the bladder in the case of blood in the urine

Complications are from upward infections from the urethra  leading to infections of the bladder and kidneys.

Treatment of Urethritis:

Analgesic medicine for pain
Appropriate Antibiotics for infections especially after urine bacterial culture
Lots of fluids

Prognosis is usually good with medication.
Sexual partner may need to be treated.
Recurrence is quite common.

1 comment:

  1. Urethritis Natural Treatment read about the Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis.Natural Herbal Treatment for Urethritis with Herbal Product Urethreton Natural Supplement for inflammation of the Urethra. Symptoms of Urethritis are painful moment.


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