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Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Family Doctor's Tale - HERPES


Cold sores are so common that many people think that it is due to common cold. It is actually caused by another virus known as the Herpes Simplex virus .
This virus is unfortunately difficult to get rid off in the body and may stay indefinitely in the nerves breaking out when the person's immunity is low.

Herpes is caused by a common viral infection. 
There are two strains, Simplex 1 and Simplex 2, and they affects both children and adults. 

Once infected the virus remains permanently in the body.

The Herpes Simplex 1 strain usually causes cold sores, or blisters, on the lips or inside the mouth. 
These may develop into painful ulcers. 

It also can infect the genital area and produce sores. 
The eyes and the nervous system can be affected too.

Other symptoms include swollen gums, a white coating on the tongue, swollen neck glands, fever and body aches. 
Some of these symptoms may not occur immediately upon infection but they may  appear days, weeks or even years later.

The Herpes Simplex 2 strain usually causes 'genital herpes'
( A Simple Guide to Genital Herpes), which affects the vagina or penis and scrotum, as well as the buttocks and anus. 
But it also can infect the mouth during oral sex.

The infected person will feel an itchy or painful sensation. 

Sores appear soon after this, making urination painful. 
 The sores will ooze liquid or blood, then heal within 2 to 4 weeks. Other symptoms include fever and swollen lymph nodes.

Cold sores are contracted through saliva or direct contact.

Genital Herpes is contracted through unprotected sex.

Pregnant mothers with genital herpes could pass this infection to their unborn children, causing meningitis, seizures, blindness or mental retardation.

As with all other viruses, there is no known cure.
New antiviral like Zovirax can be taken to speed up the healing process and reduce the frequency at which symptoms occur. 

However, unlike other viruses, Herpes Simplex remains in the body, residing in the nerves. 
When the infected person's resistance is low,  the symptoms will occur again.

This could happen when your body is subjected to physical or mental stress. 

Hormonal changes (e.g. in women during pregnancy or menstrual periods), can also cause the virus to recur.

Prevention of Herpes Simplex:

Do not share food and utensils with other people suffering from cold sores or ulcers. 

Avoid physical contact with infected persons. 
Do not kiss a person with cold sores!
Practice safe sex. 
If you have genital herpes, inform your partner immediately. 

Maintain a strong immune system through healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, proper nutrition and rest.

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