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Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Family Doctor's Tale - HIV


HIV the word itself strikes in every person because there is no cure for it at the moment and also it is sexually transmitted. Like leprosy before, any one with HIV infection is avoided which is why the AIDS red ribbon  campaign was born to educate and pass information on AIDS and HIV infection. It is not easy to pass HIV infection to some one except through sex and blood transmission(infected needles through injection of drugs or blood transfusion.

AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which is the final and most serious stage of HIV. 
HIV stands for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus which can cause a person infected with it up to 10 years to develop AIDS.

HIV is transmitted by:

1.unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person
2.the sharing of HIV-tainted needles and instruments
3.from a mother to her baby, while pregnant, at birth, or through breastfeeding
4.receiving infected blood and blood products (e.g. organs, plasma).

The HIV infection destroys CD4 (T-cell) lymphocytes and thus weakens the body's immune defence. The T-cells are white blood cells which helps to protect the body from bacteria, viruses and harmful germs.

If the T-cells are destroyed or weakened, they are less able to defend the body effectively against infections. Having HIV also increases the risk of getting cancers. The HIV virus can attack every organ of the body.

AIDS which is the terminal stage of HIV infection is fatal. Once you reach this stage, the person usually dies 1-3 years from various infections and cancers.

Usually, a HIV-infected person may not notice any symptoms.
However, the following symptoms may be experienced:

2.sore throat
3.muscular stiffness or aching
6.swollen lymph glands
8.rash of various types
9.joint pain

Blood test for HIV Antibodies.
A negative result does not necessary mean you do not have HIV.
There is a mirror period of 1-3 months sometimes before the HIV antibodies show positive results.
When a test shows positive results, the blood is retested at a CDC(Communicable Disease Center) which is able to test quantitative results for HIV.(Western Blot HIV Confirmatory Test)

So far in my 37 years of family practice, I have come across 2 cases of positive HIV tests. One was a Filipino maid  whose employer was so worried about her family that I decided to send her to the Communicable Disease Center to stay bfore she was repatriated to Phillipines.
The other was a Malaysian elderly man who spent all his wealth on prostitutes. His daughter brought him to me for a complete blood tests. Her worst fears was confirmed when he was diagnosed with positive HIV. He was sent back to Malaysia for treatment.

Rapid HIV testing through nose swabs is now offered in some medical clinics. These tests produce very quick results. In approximately 20 minutes you may be able to know your HIV status.

At the present moment there is no cure for HIV or AIDS.
Treatments which can improve the patient’s immune system and prevent the onset of AIDS however are available:

1.Reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors:
This first group of drugs approved to treat HIV infection act by preventing the replication of the HIV virus.The HIV virus is unable to spread in the body so easily and less secondary infection may attack the body.

2.Protease inhibitors:
This second class of drugs act by stopping the replication of HIV at a later stage in the cycle.

3.Combination or cocktail therapy (using two or more drugs together) is preferred in case the HIV virus becomes resistant to both classes of drugs. 

4. New uses of thalidomide and anti malaria drugs have being tried with good results on AIDS patients.

Prevention of HIV infection are by:

1.remain in a monogamous relationship.

2.always practice safe sex by using condoms consistently and correctly. Note that condoms do not give 100% protection from HIV.

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